
Looking for urgent help?

SpeakOut is a peer-to-peer online support community, not equipped for emergencies or crisis situations.

⚠️ If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, feel unsafe, or are in danger, please contact emergency services immediately.

‼️ Below is a list of professionals available for immediate assistance in urgent situations.

Country Medical Organization Emergency Contacts
USA Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Call 988 to speak to a trained crisis worker
Australia Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Call 13 11 14
UK NHS Call 111 to get urgent medical help
Germany TelefonSeels­orge Call 0800.1110111 or 0800.1110­222
Canada Talk Suicide Canada Call 1-833-456-4566
Cyprus Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family Call 1440
Do you have other useful contacts? Let us know.